13 May Press Release (May 13, 2024)
Utility Broadband Alliance Announces Support for 5/5 Broadband Networks in 900 MHz Band
-Industry leaders join Petition to expand access to private broadband spectrum-
(May 13, 2024) The Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA), a collaboration of utilities and solution providers dedicated to championing private broadband networks for critical infrastructure industries, today announced that it has filed public comments in support of the Petition for Rulemaking requesting that the Federal Communications Commission provide an option allowing for the deployment of 5/5 megahertz broadband networks in the 900 MHz band.
“The FCC’s previous decision to realign the 900 MHz band and establish a 3/3 MHz broadband segment was, as noted in the Petition, a landmark step creating a significant opportunity for utilities to design, deploy, and operate private broadband networks,” said Bobbi Harris, executive director, UBBA. “The decision provided utilities and other enterprise entities access to much-needed broadband spectrum, enabling potential users to have access to a global ecosystem of equipment, technologies, and services. We now urge the FCC to take the next step in the evolution of private wireless broadband by providing for an optional, expanded 5/5 MHz broadband segment in the 900 MHz band.”
By promoting collaboration among industry stakeholders, UBBA endeavors to cultivate innovative solutions that address the distinct requirements of utilities as they transition toward a more interconnected and resilient infrastructure. The organization understands that private broadband networks play an indispensable role in enabling grid modernization, from driving sustainability through the integration of distributed energy resources to combating cyber threats. The UBBA believes that enabling 5/5 MHz broadband operations in the 900 MHz band will promote the continued evolution of a broadband ecosystem to support services critical to the public and the economy.
Click here to read UBBA’s full public comments supporting the Petition. To learn more about UBBA and to inquire about potential membership, visit www.UBBA.com.
The Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA) is a collaboration of utilities and ecosystem partners dedicated to championing the advancement and development of private broadband networks for America’s critical infrastructure industries. Members have access to resources that accelerate their journey toward a secure, resilient and future-proof grid. To learn more, visit www.UBBA.com.